What you need to include in a strong asylum declaration

An asylum application declaration is a critical component of a successful asylum application. It is a written statement that explains the applicant’s reasons for seeking asylum in the United States. In order to be effective, an asylum application declaration should include the following elements:

Venezuelas coming to the US in 2023

In recent years, Venezuela has faced significant political and economic turmoil, leading many Venezuelans to seek refuge in other countries, including the United States. However, the immigration process can be particularly challenging for Venezuelans due to a number of unique factors. One challenge is the lack of a functioning consular presence in Venezuela. The U.S. […]

Cubans in the United States face new challenges in 2023

Cubans have long been a significant part of the immigrant community in the United States, but recent developments have created new challenges for those seeking to come to or remain in the country. At the Law Offices of C. Antonio Delgado, we are dedicated to providing top-quality legal services to Cubans facing these challenges and […]